REVIEW: Demon Dentist by David Walliams.

I really liked this book, its a really good idea to turn something boring (like the Dentist) into a brilliant, interesting novel! This story was both funny and sad, the genre was drama! 

Although I enjoyed this book, I did not like some chapters when it was a very sad moment. My favourite character was Alfie because he's very smart and quick witted, I could definitely feel for the characters. I did not learn much from these characters but its still a very good story. Out of all novels I've read by David Walliams this is one of the best, along with Awful Auntie and Mr Stink. 

Lots of scenes were written well like; the counter plan, A cathedral of teeth, 'Mummy's going to eat you' and 'impro'. My favourite chapter was impro because its very funny. I thought David Walliams (author) has a great sense of humour and an imaginative mind for characters int his book such as: Alfie (a boy with rotten teeth), Dad (Alfie's Dad), Gabz (a little girl), Miss Root (a gross dentist), Fang (Miss Root's cat), Miss Hare (a science teacher), Winnie (a social worker), Raj (a newsagent), PC Plank (a policeman), texting boy (a boy who never ever stops texting), Mr Grey ( headmaster), Mr Snood (drama teacher), Mrs Morissey (an old lady). I recommend this book to anyone who wants a giggle! 

I rate this novel 10/10

I dare you to go to the dentist! 

